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New start of 2021

New start of 2021

Welcome to our exhibition Crooked Balance at Crooked concept.

One more week left! Exhibition is running until Jan 17 2021.


Crooked Concept

Västmannagatan 47 Stockholm 

The exhibition is open between 10:00-17:00 on weekdays. Please note that you may need to wait outside if someone is viewing already to ensure safe distancing. 

Weekend viewing is only available with booking.

Please send us an email to book a time for you!


Crooked balance by Makiami.


Crooked Balance by Makiami.


Crooked Balance by Makiami. Crooked Balance by Makiami. Crooked Balance by Makiami.

Fantastic photograph by Mathilda Werngren @mathildaw

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Welcome to our exhibition at Crooked Concept in Stockholm.

Welcome to our exhibition at Crooked Concept in Stockholm.

The exhibition at Crooked Concept shows
Makiami’s first sculptural collection "Crooked Balance" in which
Maki Okamoto and Ami Izaki explore balance in
space. Each piece is handcrafted with the same
craftsmanship as with the jewellery they create.

Exhibition open from 11 November 2020 to 17 January 2020

Address : CROOKED CONCEPT   Västmannagatan 47, Stockholm

Makiami Crooked Balance_Crooked Concept

Photo by Mathilda Werngren



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Welcome to pop up shop at Nagoya Takashimaya 2019

今年もJR名古屋高島屋さんでの北欧展に参加させて頂きます!今年は新しいコレクション、Archをお持ちします。またPaper Shadow Collectionの新しいアイテムも同時に発表予定です

出店日: 2019年 12月17日(火)から24日(火)まで

最終日、12月24日は17:00閉場 *北欧展は12月12日(木)から24日(火)開催ですが、Makiamiの出店は後半の17日(火)から24日(火)のみとなりますのでお気をつけください。

JR名古屋タカシマヤ/ 10階 催会場 〒450-6001 愛知県名古屋市中村区名駅1-1-4

直通TEL: (052)566-8403

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Makiami at Urawa PARCO

Pop up store at URAWA PARCO in Saitama, Japan.

ジュエリーブランド、MIKU FUKAMATSUさんにお声掛けいただき、MIKUさんご主催のPOPUP STORE、"vitt hus"にMakiamiも参加させていただくことになりました。埼玉の浦和PARCOでの開催です。お近くにお住まいの方、ぜひお立ち寄りいただけましたら幸いです。

Makiamiは一番人気のPlants collectionのピアスを中心にゴールド商品、Seedsのリングもご用意する予定です。


vitt hus 

vitt husはスウェーデン語で「白い家」という意味。



場所:浦和PARCO 1階 正面右手のエスカレーター横



Akihiro Yamaguchi
LT shop


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The first exhibition in Japan at O-Jewel "Sign of Spring"

Photo by Naoko Akechi

Makiami PLANTS collection goes to Japan. Welcome to the opening party at O-Jewel on Valentine’s day! 

Opening party: Feb 14 (Sat) / 2015  17:00-20:00
Exhibition: Feb 12 (Thu) - 28 (Sat) / 2015 
Opening hours: 12:00-19:00 (Sunday & Holiday closed)
Address: O-Jewel // K&K B2 PALOMAPLAZA/ 3-13-15 Nishiazabu Minato-ku Tokyo

Risshun, which falls in early February, is the first day of spring in the traditional Japanese calendar. According to the East Calendar used since ancient times, Risshun marks the beginning of spring and the year. We usually say Spring breeze melts the ice” to express the early feeling of spring like these days. If we can perceive delicately such transition, we will discover a new unordinary world while having a good feeling about the future. Although time passes by so fast in our ordinary life.

O-Jewel holds the exhibition “Sign of Spring by Makiami”.“Makiami” is a Stockholm-based art/design unit by Maki Okamoto and Ami Izaki. This is their first exhibition in Japan.


Sign of Spring/ PlANTS Collection by makiami

makiami PLANTS collection is a group of jewellery which is inspired by common plants in Scandinavian, such as wildflowers in country side or archipelago. Some of them are modeled after nostalgic forms from old botanical illustrations of plants. In this exhibition“Sign of Spring” at O-Jewel, we exhibit items that are suitable for this season from our PLANTS collection. Such as sprouts coming out in between snow, swelling blossom buds etc… We hope that we can bring a sign of spring to you from Sweden.


Photo by Tobias Alm

MakiamiPLANTS Collectionが日本で初の発表となります。バレンタインデーのオープニングに是非お越し下さい。

オープニングパーティー: 214日(土)17:00-20:00
会期: 212日(木)-  228日(土)(日曜、祝日休み)
場所: O-Jewel//K&K 港区西麻布3-13-15 PALOMAPLAZA B2
営業時間: 12:00-19:00(日曜、祝日休み)

立春。日本の旧暦においては1年の始まりです。今くらいの時期を、東風凍を解く いう言葉で表現します。日々慌ただしく過ぎてゆく中で、ふとした季節の移り変わりに気づく瞬間、なにか予感のようなもの、そんなことを大切に細やかに生き ていけたらまた違う風景があなたの目の前に広がり始めるかもしれません。スウェーデン、ストックホルムで活躍中のアート/デザインユニット 岡本真希、井崎亜美 “Makiami”の初の日本でのお披露目です。


Sign of Spring/ PLANTS Collection by Makiami

Makiami PLANTS collectionは、北欧の田舎や諸島に咲く野草、古い植物図鑑にある草花の形の印象の断片からフォルムを集めたジュエリーシリーズです。氷も薄くなり、かすかに春を感じはじめるこの季節。雪の下からちらりと顔を出す芽や、枝に膨らむ蕾のように春を予感させるアイテムを中心に展示します。



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Thank you for coming to the DesignmarknadSTHLM!

Thank you for coming for the christmas market at Metropol Palais yesterday! ストックホルムのMetropol Palaisという1920年代から80年代まで映画館だった素敵な空間で行われたデザインクリスマスマーケットでMakiamiが販売されました。プレゼントにもぴったりなシルク糸のブレスレットとPLANTSのピアスが人気でした。ありがとうございます!

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Exhibition Maki på LOD

Makiami jewelry will be shown at LOD as a part of Maki Okamoto’s solo exhibition.
Welcome to see new brooches and necklaces to PLANTS collection.

28th September–19th October 2013, Vernissage on Saturday 28th Sep 12.00–16.00
Address: Northern Agnegatan 40, 112 29 Stockholm.
Opening hours: Tuesday – Friday 11-18, Saturday 11-15
Tel: + 46 (0) 8 652 22 28 
- See more at: here


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Exhibition at KIKI

Exhibition at the Japanese design shop KIKI in Stockholm. Japanese art/design group Makiami and designer Izumi Sato will be showing their jewelry and bags which are perfect for spring-summer time. Note that it is only open 6 days!

Opening hours:
Tuesday - Friday 13:00-18:00
Saturday / Sunday 12:00-16:00
May 11th 12:00-16:00
We will have a small closing party on Saturday.
Please drop by for lemonade!
Makiami is a Stockholm-based art/design unit by Maki Okamoto and Ami Izaki.
Maki studied sculpture/contemporary jewelry, Ami is a graphic designer and illustrator, who also studied experience design. Plants is the first collaborative work by Makiami, a series of earrings and brooches with which you can create your own combinations.
Izumi Sato is a Stockholm based textile and bag designer. My product is made by hand, they are unique and beautiful bags. The material is interesting and creating a new feeling by mix different material.

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Exhibition Flora och Fauna

Exhibition Flora och Fauna. A special exhibition during Stockholm Culture, which we are open until midnight.The exhibition continues until 18th of May 2013. 

Kom till vår vernissage för utställningen Flora och Fauna i Köttrymden! En speciell vernissage, under Kulturnatt Stockholm, där vi har öppet till midnatt.Mingla med konstnärerna bakom utställningen, ta en titt i verkstaden och botanisera i vårt utbud av smycken och föremål. Pröva lyckan i vårt lyckohjul – med chans att vinna vårt unika kulturnattssmycke. Utställningen pågår till den 18:e maj.

Opening party: 20th of April, 18:00-24:00 at Galleri LOD.
LOD Norra Agnegatan 40, 112 29 STOCKHOLM Tisdag-Fredag 11-18, Lördag 11-15 08-652 22 28

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