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The first exhibition in Japan at O-Jewel "Sign of Spring"

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Photo by Naoko Akechi

Makiami PLANTS collection goes to Japan. Welcome to the opening party at O-Jewel on Valentine’s day! 

Opening party: Feb 14 (Sat) / 2015  17:00-20:00
Exhibition: Feb 12 (Thu) - 28 (Sat) / 2015 
Opening hours: 12:00-19:00 (Sunday & Holiday closed)
Address: O-Jewel // K&K B2 PALOMAPLAZA/ 3-13-15 Nishiazabu Minato-ku Tokyo

Risshun, which falls in early February, is the first day of spring in the traditional Japanese calendar. According to the East Calendar used since ancient times, Risshun marks the beginning of spring and the year. We usually say Spring breeze melts the ice” to express the early feeling of spring like these days. If we can perceive delicately such transition, we will discover a new unordinary world while having a good feeling about the future. Although time passes by so fast in our ordinary life.

O-Jewel holds the exhibition “Sign of Spring by Makiami”.“Makiami” is a Stockholm-based art/design unit by Maki Okamoto and Ami Izaki. This is their first exhibition in Japan.


Sign of Spring/ PlANTS Collection by makiami

makiami PLANTS collection is a group of jewellery which is inspired by common plants in Scandinavian, such as wildflowers in country side or archipelago. Some of them are modeled after nostalgic forms from old botanical illustrations of plants. In this exhibition“Sign of Spring” at O-Jewel, we exhibit items that are suitable for this season from our PLANTS collection. Such as sprouts coming out in between snow, swelling blossom buds etc… We hope that we can bring a sign of spring to you from Sweden.


Photo by Tobias Alm

MakiamiPLANTS Collectionが日本で初の発表となります。バレンタインデーのオープニングに是非お越し下さい。

オープニングパーティー: 214日(土)17:00-20:00
会期: 212日(木)-  228日(土)(日曜、祝日休み)
場所: O-Jewel//K&K 港区西麻布3-13-15 PALOMAPLAZA B2
営業時間: 12:00-19:00(日曜、祝日休み)

立春。日本の旧暦においては1年の始まりです。今くらいの時期を、東風凍を解く いう言葉で表現します。日々慌ただしく過ぎてゆく中で、ふとした季節の移り変わりに気づく瞬間、なにか予感のようなもの、そんなことを大切に細やかに生き ていけたらまた違う風景があなたの目の前に広がり始めるかもしれません。スウェーデン、ストックホルムで活躍中のアート/デザインユニット 岡本真希、井崎亜美 “Makiami”の初の日本でのお披露目です。


Sign of Spring/ PLANTS Collection by Makiami

Makiami PLANTS collectionは、北欧の田舎や諸島に咲く野草、古い植物図鑑にある草花の形の印象の断片からフォルムを集めたジュエリーシリーズです。氷も薄くなり、かすかに春を感じはじめるこの季節。雪の下からちらりと顔を出す芽や、枝に膨らむ蕾のように春を予感させるアイテムを中心に展示します。

